Is Business Accountants A Scam?

match  up the name with the name on the credit Nitschke Nanncarrow card so in those types of scenarios  where you taking an order over the phone  or you’re having the consumer type it in  themselves through a shopping cart  online through an e-commerce website we  can’t always be sure that that is the  actual card holder so there’s some trust  involved there but there’s also more

  opportunity for fraud so the weights are  going to be a little bit higher let’s go  on now so what are some of the things  we can ask our merchants when were  interviewing them when we’re going  through our initial conversations with  them once again you’re going to hear me  reiterate the fact that that knowledge  is important but putting that knowledge  to use is much more important so we  really want to become that trusted  adviser to the merchant so if we

just go  in and we speculate or we assume that  could get us into trouble so the best  thing to do is ask a lot of open-ended  questions and try to better understand  what you’re doing I’ve went a lot of  business not by lowering my rates but by  better understanding how they’re doing  their business I’ve through their  answers I found out that there were  areas of improvement things that they  were doing that they shouldn’t have done  because the actually could have put more  money in their pocket so by me educating  them consulting with them and showing

  them how to do it I want it I want a big  fan I didn’t necessarily have to once  again saved them money I help I help  show them where they could save money  just by running a transaction fine  without me actually even have to lower  their rates so questions like mr. mrs.  merchant please explain to me how you  process your non-cash transactions who

  enters the transactions for you do you  and your employees always swipe cards if  not when even do you ever have to  divorce or key them in when how often  does that happen and sometimes you’re  going to be able to see those things on  their statements and if you start seeing  a lot of Earth’s or standards on there  you know that something’s wrong and as  we progress through the session today  you’re going to understand some of the  things to look for

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